13 October 2011

Losing Weight on Eat Stop Eat

Clinical Research Proves That Eat Stop Eat Will Help You Lose Weight, Burn Ugly Body Fat, and Naturally Stimulate Growth Hormone - All While Having a Fast Metabolism and Building Lean Muscle

I discovered this site a few years ago. Brad Pilon presents a very informative view on weight loss on a revolutionary way of eating. Basically using short fasting periods where you fast for only 24 hours at a time. I have used this a couple of times in my life and it works perfectly well.

The biggest question - if you stop eating don't you lose muscle mass, is answered by Brad Pilon in great detail. 

Link to the website of Eatstopeat and make your own decisions... It is really worth looking into.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Cool system and a great one... after all.. we are what we eat...