Indoor Cycling

What is Indoor Cycling?

Indoor Cycling is a group exercise class done on stationary bikes.  During the class the instructor simulates a ride.  Together, you travel on flat roads, climb hills, sprint and race!  It is truly a fantastic cardiovascular class.  The beauty of indoor cycling is that you can do it even when its raining or snowing outside!  You are kept motivated by the instructor, the people around you and by the music!  Its lots of fun
The benefits of indoor cycling, both physical and mental, can be enjoyed by almost anyone, regardless of age or fitness level.  Perhaps this is why indoor cycling workouts were the most significant new fitness trend of the 1990s, and continue to gain in popularity today.  And, while the many benefits may be enough to convince you to try this form of exercise, another equally enticing quality of indoor cycling is that it’s fun!  Participants report that time spent during indoor cycling workouts seem to fly by, as opposed to other forms of cardio, and that they gain a real sense of accomplishment after completing a “ride.”

Physical benefits of indoor cycling

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 3 to 5 days of cardio per week, for 30 to 60 minutes each time; this frequency and length of aerobic exercise has been shown to provide maximal benefits to the body including:

  • Weight loss
  • Increased energy levels
  • Stronger heart and lungs
  • Decreased risk for heart disease
  • Increased bone density
  • Better sleep
  • Improved cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Getting the most from your indoor cycling workouts

To reap the most benefits of indoor cycling possible, you need to be sure that you are exercising in the right “zone.”  This is determined by measuring how hard your body is working at any given point during your workout, and can be done by two methods:

  • Heart Rate.  To find the correct zone using your heart rate, take the number 220 and subtract your age; multiply this number by 70% -- this number is your targeted zone to gain the maximum benefit from your workout.  To see where your heart rate is during a workout, simply find your pulse and count for six seconds, and then add a zero.  (Or, to take the math out of it, purchase a heart rate monitor that will tell you   your heart rate at a glance.)

  • The Talk Test.  This is the simplest way to determine how hard you are working.  During your workout, say a full sentence.  If you can’t finish your sentence, you are probably exercising too hard; on the contrary, if the full sentence is very easy to say and you are not winded at all, you should pick up the pace for more calorie burn and benefits!

Mental & emotional benefits of indoor cycling

The benefits of indoor cycling are not limited to physical aspects; cycling bike workouts can do wonders for your mind, as well:

  • Relief from stress and anxiety
  • Eases symptoms of depression
  • Increased confidence about appearance
  • Improved ability to visualize and focus on a goal

The great variety of indoor cycling workouts

For many people who want to get in shape, cardio is something that simply must be tolerated to reach a goal – but with indoor cycling workouts, cardio is something to look forward to!  The variety of different workouts that are possible on a cycling bike are limited only by the imagination.  Thanks to the visualizations provided by an instructor or your own imagination, one day you may climb your way through the scenic Swiss Alps, and the next day you may repeat high-cadence, swift-spinning intervals on a flat track.